Doble Filo - Romeo Santos

Part 1 - Intro

Hey guys! This song is from Romeo Santos' Golden Album which was released on July 21, 2017.

Step 1

Tabs for part 1, step 1 of Doble Filo by Romeo Santos

Step 2

Tabs for part 1, step 2 of Doble Filo by Romeo Santos

Step 3

Tabs for part 1, step 3 of Doble Filo by Romeo Santos

Step 4

Tabs for part 1, step 4 of Doble Filo by Romeo Santos

End of Part 1!

Congratulations! You've made it to the end of part one! As always, let me know if this guide helped (or did not) in the comments below!

Doble Filo
  • Part 1 (Intro)